Food | travel | good music | laughable jokes | sometimes indecisive and forgetful | films | white sandy beaches | new experiences | sweet tooth | acoustic guitar |
fashion | random | hosting and modeling | sense of humour | optimism | smiles | adventure and surprises make my day |
Contact me at racheltan88 (at)
One thing I really miss is having home cooked meals. I'm living on my own so there's hardly a chance that I spend all the effort cutting vegetables and onions for a one person's meal. Well there was a time when me and my housemates would prepare our favourite dishes but that was back then when they were still around.
One day last weekend, we decided that we should crash Vince's and make full use of his beautiful kitchen :)
Because it was already dinner time, we bought roasted chicken from the mart and ingredients for two side dishes.
#1 Mash Potatoes
One of my all time favourite dishes. You can eat the mash potatoes and be addicted. No sauces needed!